Empowered, Fearless & Fabulously Scented

W O W. We’ve spent this first month of 2024 smelling amazing, believing in ourselves, and, most of all, working on embracing what the future holds.

Every Monday we’ve spritzed on our favorite Infinite Collection fragrance (today Infinite No 1!), focused inwards, taken a deep breath, and said our #MondayMantra.

First, we stepped into the new year fearlessly, then we reminded ourselves of the incredible strength and confidence that lies within us, then we affirmed our power to shape our own destinies, which has led us to today—

Empowered and focused, I embrace the possibilities ahead

Change is scary, the future is scary, which is why we spend so much time making plans (or not making plans!). What this mantra says today is not that you need to stop making plans or start making plans, but that it’s time to begin to let go of the fear that surrounds change; the future; the myriad of possibilities that are going to present themselves to you this year.

Fear is what keeps us from growing and blossoming into our full selves, which is why it is so important to work on releasing ourselves from fear whenever we can. So, today, let’s spritz on some empowering fragrance, take a deep breath, release our fears for the future as we breathe out, and embrace the future as we breathe in and repeat: Empowered and Focused, I Embrace the Possibilities Ahead.

Go ahead—say this mantra as you go throughout your day and week and see how you begin to blossom into the possibilities that 2024 holds for you.