Change: How to Embrace it and Be Empowered By it

It's fall ya'll! Well, technically fall starts on September 22nd, BUT it is the beginning of September AND Starbucks has all the pumpkin drinks out, so we're going to embrace change TODAY! No, really! We're embracing the seasonal change so much that our theme for the month of September is Embracing Change. Our mission here at Ilsa Fragrances is to empower you to believe in yourself and all you can do (and smell good while doing it!), and part of our mission is giving you new ways to break free from what's holding you back so that you can fully embrace your fabulous and powerful inner self and SHINE. So, let's dig into change!

I embrace change and let it empower me

Times of change can be frightening. Continuous changes can be stressful and overwhelming. Inevitable change, well, you know—that, too, can be a bit much. That being said, we cannot avoid change. It's what gives us personal growth (as much as we may not have asked for it at certain times), and what also gives us personal fulfillment. Change challenges us in ways that we can never expect, and most often we come out a strong, more resilient person because of it.

So, our mantra for today is I Embrace Change and Let it Empower Me. Say this on repeat and banish away feelings of fear and anxiety from change that is happening in your life. Remember that change is indeed inevitable in this rapidly changing world we live in, and with this mantra you can feel empowered by the possibilities of what change can bring to yourself and your life, not fearful.

It's beautiful to let go

Talk of fall and change reminds us of a quote we heard the other day: "Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things go." We've never experienced the beautiful changing of leaves that the northeast of the United States experiences, but if it's anything as gorgeous as the photos, perhaps we can all agree that it is beautiful to let things go. It is beautiful to see the change that comes from fall to winter as the color changes, the leaves are let go, and the ever-changing world (or at least the northern hemisphere) transforms into winter.

This quote reminds us that nature feels no fear when presented with change, it just does what it is meant to do, which is transform into something else, often something equally as beautiful or potentially even more beautiful than it already was. Remember this as you move from summer to fall and beyond. Say to yourself, "I embrace change and let it empower me." Allow these words to be a comfort, to give you power as you deal with change, work through change, accept change.

You are stronger than you realize and capable of amazing things! And when all else fails, spritz a bit of your favorite Infinite Collection fragrance on to remind you of your inner beauty and strength, then get out there and embrace that change!

Happy fall!