Cultivate Happiness, Joy And Resilience

Hello glorious sunny summer days! We’re so excited for it to be June, even though we know the splendid sunshine also means horridly hot days here in our town of Phoenix, Arizona where the excessive heat keeps us from shipping our fabulous fragrance. That being said, we embrace the vibrant, bright energy of summer. In fact, it is the radiant energy of summer which inspired our June mantra theme: cultivating happiness.

As we strive to bring positive emotions into our life and become happy people that radiate joy, we’ve got to be honest and chat about the elephant in the room (and the thing that keeps us from our positive emotions). See, the swiftest way to bring negative emotions into our being is by comparing what we have to what others have. Comparison is the ultimate soul destroyer, and in our quest to cultivate happiness and positive emotions this month, we’re going to stop comparing ourselves to others here forward.

OK! We hear you – this seems like a monumental task, especially when comparing ourselves to others seems so ingrained in our human nature. To cultivate happiness, though, what it takes to overcome comparison is shifting your mindset, and we’re going to do that with today’s mantra. With today’s mantra we make a conscious effort to create the heathy, happy habit of stopping comparison and starting to live in gratitude.

I Am Grateful For What I Have

I Am Grateful For What I Have is the mantra we’re repeating today, and every day this week to usher in acceptance of what we have and of where we are at in our lives. The moment you sense yourself edging towards thoughts of comparison, take a deep breath, clear your mind and repeat, I Am Grateful For What I Have.

As you repeat this powerful mantra and bring gratitude into your being, think about the things you DO have in your life. As you do this, watch how good things unfold as you find a sense of calm, peace and contentment that comes with giving gratitude.

We’re excited to cultivate happiness with you this month and look forward to enjoying the journey with you!