Not to Fear

This week I had the opportunity to grab a coffee with a couple friends who I haven't seen in months. They are two amazing ladies and I'm so grateful to have them in my life!

One of these fabulous women started her own business about a year ago, and the other lovely woman has many ideas of what she wants to do, but has yet to embark on her journey. In delving deeper into her goals, one of the things we talked about was fear.

I had a lot of fear when setting out to start Ilsa Fragrances and create Infinite No 1. Fear is paralyzing, but eventually the desire to achieve your dream and change your situation for the better becomes stronger than any fear you can manifest. It becomes so strong, in fact, it pushes you to act.

Suddenly you’ll find yourself in this whirlwind of activity and you’ll forget about your fears until you’re halfway to achieving your goal, and then it’s too late! By then, the drive to see your dream come to fruition far outweighs any fear you may have.

It might take time for things to happen, and it might just be baby steps at first (it took me about ten years), but when you're ready, nothing will stop you from achieving your dreams and goals!

Remember – you can do it!
