Founder Ilsa Manning Featured in Uptown Magazine

I'm so excited to be featured in the October issue of Uptown Magazine's Beat section, "Quick chats with people to know"!

The interview and photo shoot were on September 8th - can you tell I'm 36 weeks pregnant? It has been a great journey launching the business and creating a fragrance with my toddler by my side and the new little one on the way.

And the little one was on the way, indeed ! 3 days later I was in the hospital due to severe complications and our second daughter was born on September 12th ...and if you didn't know - the fragrance launch was on September 15th !

I was still in the hospital so did not, in fact, make the launch of Infinite No 1, but my support was immense and I cannot say how thankful and grateful I am for the family members and dear friends that dropped everything and made the launch a success in my absence!

