I’ve got big news to share with you!
I'm so excited and honored to tell you we’ve been featured on We Should Talk About That Podcast with NYT bestselling author Jessica Buchanon and fellow writer Jessica Kidwell! #woohoo
I was nervous about being on the podcast as I often stumble over my words, or cannot find the right way to express myself, but in talking with these two powerhouse women, Jess B. and Jess K., I was able to chat about the purpose of Ilsa Fragrances with ease.
They’ve highlighted a quote from the episode that I want to share with you as well. It’s how I feel about fragrance, why we are Perfume with a Purpose, and it really explains the foundation of our mission to empower women through fragrance. It’s this:
"It's not the fragrance that is making you feel wonderful. It's the fragrance reminding you that YOU are wonderful. Perfume is something we wear on the outside that ignites what is on the inside."
Through everything with Ilsa Fragrances, I strive for you to know: You are amazing and you can do anything you dream.
Check out the full episode here, and make sure to follow Jess B. & Jess K. as they tackle important subjects and issues that make us think, you know, We Should Talk About That.
#perfumewithapurpose #ilsafragrances #weshouldtalkaboutthat #westatpod