
You can tell that spring is now in full swing by all the gorgeous birdsong waking us in the wee hours of the morning each day. Another thing that’s got us rolling out of bed a bit earlier is sunshine, and boy do we welcome it after the long, dreary days of winter.

Each day we’re soaking up the fabulous warmth and light this extra sunshine brings us, and just like the blossoming flowers around us we’re blossoming, too.

All of this light and warmth from the springtime sunshine is making us feel so good, our mantra for Monday, and all week long is, Today, I Am The Sunshine.

It sounds a bit bold and energetic, especially on a Monday, we know, but what it means is something quite simple. It means: Today, I am the light and the warmth of the springtime sun, bringing happy vibes, kindness and warmth to those around me, and maybe even making them sing a beautiful song, just like the early birds!