Welcome Spring

Ilsa Fragrances is based in Phoenix, Arizona. We’re used to sunshine and warm weather, even in the winter, often spending New Years day in flipflops. Not this past winter, though! It’s been wet and cold, which is fabulously beneficial to our dry desert and shrinking water supply. Yet, it has got many of us Phoenicians saying today “Welcome Spring” and “Adios, Winter!”

It’s with happy hearts we say goodbye to the shorter, darker, colder and (this year!) wetter days of winter, and hello to the longer, brighter, warmer and (hopefully!) dryer desert days of spring. With these thoughts in mind, our Welcome Spring mantra is Breathe In The Light; Breathe Out The Dark.

As you breathe in and say the mantra, notice the scents around you. Here in Phoenix where citrus has been a longtime valuable crop, at this time of year the air is dense with the heady, rich, yet sweet, smell of orange blossoms. We revel in this comforting scent while we Breathe In The Light, and then envision the chilly, gray days of winter being blown away as we Breathe Out The Dark.

What is the scent you are surrounded by during the springtime? Is it fresh, wet, and green, like fields of grass after a spring rain? Or perhaps the sweet notes of the romantic Apricot Beauty tulip as it withstands the spring rain and winds to blossom under the sunshine and signal the beginning of spring?

Whatever lovely springtime scents you’re surrounded by at this season of awakening, we hope you find peace and renewal as you Breathe In The Light, Breathe Out The Dark.