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Coffee & Conversation: Linda Foss, BoogieBulb creator

Coffee & Conversation: Facebook Live chats highlighting women and their achievements. April 18, 2017: BoogieBulb creator and entrepreneur Linda Foss. Ever wanted to know about inventing a product and taking it to market? BoogieBulb creator Linda Foss inspires us with her journey in the latest Ilsa Fragrances Coffee & Conversation.

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Fragrance. Perfume. Scent. Smell.

I was introduced to the world of fragrance when I fell into a job at the largest fragrance and flavor manufacturing company in the world. As I learned my role, I learned the intricate and beautiful part fragrance plays in our lives. At the same time, I fell more and more in love with scent as a creative and artistic outlet, and thus began to develop my nose to understand scent’s complex layers. I had simple fragrance training – smelling fruit (lemon vs. orange), herbs (fresh basil vs. fresh thyme); learning the difference between spearmint (think gum) and peppermint (think candy cane)… And more intricate training – using smelling strips and raw materials to understand the subtle difference between scents,...

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Lasting Advice from Dr. Seuss

Recently I revisited the Dr. Seuss books with my toddler, and WOW! I’d forgotten how truly inspiring they are! From imagination: “Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try!” To trying something new: “You do not like them, so you say. Try them, try them and you may!” To a positive life outlook: “From there to here, from here to there, funny things are everywhere.” To acceptance: “…they decided that Sneetches are Sneetches, And no kind of Sneetch is the best on the beaches.” With each book I share with my daughters, I’m grateful for the life lesson they learn through Dr. Seuss’s imaginative drawings and lighthearted rhyming tales. I could quote Dr. Seuss forever, but for...

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Not to Fear

This week I had the opportunity to grab a coffee with a couple friends who I haven't seen in months. They are two amazing ladies and I'm so grateful to have them in my life! One of these fabulous women started her own business about a year ago, and the other lovely woman has many ideas of what she wants to do, but has yet to embark on her journey. In delving deeper into her goals, one of the things we talked about was fear. I had a lot of fear when setting out to start Ilsa Fragrances and create Infinite No 1. Fear is paralyzing, but eventually the desire to achieve your dream and change your situation for the...

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